FAQs about eBooks and viewing devices

FAQs about eBook purchase

  • Q. Where and how can I purchase this eBook?

    A. You can purchase it online from this website.

  • Q. What is the payment method?

    A. You can purchase this eBook using any of the major credit cards, or PayPal. See details in the Buy section of this website.

  • Q. Is the payment method secure?

    A. PayPal is the world leader for secure online payments and transactions. Find more about PayPal at www.paypal.com

  • Q. Will the eBook in electronic format be shipped at my home?

    A. No. The eBook will have to be downloaded.

  • Q. Will the eBook be downloaded from this website?

    A. No. The eBook will not be downloaded from this website.

  • Q. From where will the eBook be downloaded?

    A. After purchase, you will receive a link to download the eBook to your e-mail address. Direct contact with our colleagues and customers is our priority.

  • Q. Are there specific requirements for download?

    A. The electronic file size is about 380 Mb. It can be downloaded using a 3G internet connection. However, a broader band internet connection is recommended for faster download.

  • Q. I do not have a broadband connection, and my internet connection is rather slow. Will I be able to download this eBook after purchase?

    A. You may or may not be able to download the eBook using an internet connection slower than 3G. If you are not able to access a faster internet connection for your device, you should not purchase this e-book.

FAQs about eBook use

  • Q. How many times can the eBook be downloaded?

    A. The eBook may only be downloaded once.

  • Q. How many electronic devices can be used to view this eBook?

    A. You can use as many electronic devices as you want. After download, you can copy or synch the electronic file onto other devices.

  • Q. What happens if I will not be able to download the eBook after purchase?

    A. We are not responsible for technical problems on the customer side. However, we will allow further downloads should a link not work for some reason.

  • Q. What happens if I have a computer crash after purchase, or if some of my electronic devices should become lost?

    A. We are not responsible for those unfortunate events. It is up to the customer to make appropriate backups of the eBook.

  • Q. Can I get a refund if I do not like the eBook, if the content is not what I expected, or if the electronic format is not user friendly for me?

    A. We are sorry, but refund is not an option for those reasons. We recommend to download and view the free eBook demo, and to purchase the eBook only if you are really interested in the topic, and ready to use the electronic format.

  • Q. What happens if I have any problem using the ebook after purchase?

    A. Granted fulfillment of technical requisites listed and explained in this FAQ section and in the View page of this website, you will be welcome to contact us, and we will be happy to help.

  • Q. Can I share this eBook with other people, after purchase?

    A. You can share the reading experience with as many people as you want, using your personal electronic devices.

  • Q. Can I physically share this eBook (e.g. duplicate the file) with other people, after purchase?

    A. No. Purchase should be intended as personal, and unauthorized copies are not allowed, even if shared for free.

  • Q. What happens if I forget the recommendation above, or if I try to duplicate the eBook file after purchase?

    A. If the file will be duplicated, we will contact you asking why this happened.

    This may be of legal concern according with Digital Rights Management.

    We are confident this will not be the case.

  • Q. Other people can access my electronic device and read the eBook. How can I know if they would produce unauthorized copies of the eBook?

    A. The person who purchased the eBook shall be responsible that unauthorized copies will not be produced.